Particle Theory

Regarding  Scientific Method and Theory

“A model that is intended as a means, is just as legitimate as another when achieving the same ends whether it is based on hypothesis or speculation. Some things are simply not testable; yet our intuition leads us eventually to the means of their discovery. We as humans cannot be ‘all seeing’, but can have a glimpse of what we believe is a truth. The paradigms we forge generally lead us to the ends we seek.”

Addenda on Particle Evolution and Hypothetical Matter

This papers intent is in demonstrating a concrete application of the theory of Relative Gravity . It applies RG with respect to current atomic theory, Particle Physics, solids, liquid and gases, kinetic theory of matter, superstring theory, quantum gravity, quantum field theory, cosmology, and particle phenomenology.

RG can be considered observations or interpretations of the mechanics of nature; and which were crafted in the form of abstract extensions of current scientific laws and accepted theory.

The paper consists of two main areas of focus. These are a- in looking at the atomic particle in terms of an, and in proposing its, evolutionary process as a generic or fundamental manifold, and b- applying this conceptually to the known elements through a model on hypothetical matter. Both areas can be considered separate within their own scope but which have a shared focus.

There are an extensive number of, and subsequent derivatives of theory on particles already. They are all well accepted by the physics community such in the context of Particle Physics, the kinetic theory of matter,solids, liquid and gases, superstring theory, quantum gravity, quantum field theory, cosmology, and particle phenomenology.

Yet wave particle duality can have bias in its own interpretation starting with Steven Weinberg, Paul Dirac,Werner Heisenberg,Pauil, Hund , Aufbau’ and many other of its pioneers in scientific theory. For the known elements, pioneers like Hennig Brand, Johann Dobereiner, A.E.Beguyer de Chancourtois, John Newland, Dmitri Mendeleev and Glenn Seaborg can be considered the founding fathers of the Periodic Table of the Elements or PTE.

Given actually an extensive history of known as well as unknown contributors to theory, it is perfectly within reason to assume that the foundations of science in of itself will never be complete. RG’s basic theory is considered object oriented. In this manner, theory as abstract principles can be realized in concrete examples through their polymorphism. In this manner, RG’s theory intends a normalized framework which adopts symmetry for scientific observations.

Based on RG’s framework, this paper’s theory on particle evolution assumes to resolve bias’s between well founded views for String Theory, Quantum Mechanics and Relativity. This is by offering extensions on their perspectives of the same thing. That is, the basis behind the very nature of the universe.

The paper’s intent is not to further prove any one of these followings as already assuming their legitimacy through a sustainable history. This applies as well to the value of the PTE in how this paper proposes a hypothetical model for calculating atomic weights and electron counts; and that is not molar based. Basically, the paper simply leverages others work through interpretation based on RG’s theory.

For science, a more clearer explanation of phenomenon is always due. This paper is intended to lend in a sustainable direction of theory for its goal.

“Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In the first it is ridiculed, in the second it is opposed, in the third it is regarded as self-evident” – Arthur Schopenhauer

(Particle Physics, solids, liquid and gases, kinetic theory of matter, superstring theory, quantum gravity, quantum field theory, cosmology, and particle phenomenology. Atom, atomic physics, Black Hole, Blak hole, condensed matter, condensed particles, cosmology, Einstein, Force, Gravity, Hawking, high energy physics, Kepler, lattice gauge theory, Newton’s Laws, Object Oriented Science, Orion Daley, Phenomenology, Relative Equilibrium, Relative Force, Relative Gravity, Relativity, Science, Scientific Theory, Atom, atomic physics, Black Hole, condensed particle, cosmology, electron, Force, gravitational force, Gravity, Hawking, high energy physics, lattice gauge theory, M theory, neutron physics, nutrino, nutron, object oriented, Object Oriented Science, particle physics, Phenomenology, physics, proton, Relative Distance, Relative Equilibrium, Relative Force, Relative Gravity, solor system, string theory)

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